Monday 16 August 2010

Album review: !!! –- Strange Weather, Isn’t It?

No need for umbrellas, the outlook's bright.
WHAT goes through a band’s train of thought when deciding on the name of an album?
I would have loved to have been there when Queens of the Stone Age came up with Songs for the Deaf or when the members of Modest Mouse decided upon Good News for People Who Love Bad News.
“Yes, we fucking nailed it!” – ah, I can hear it now.
But what the hell were !!! thinking with Strange Weather, Isn’t It? Actually, with a name like !!!, I can see why.
Names aside, is the latest album from the dance-punk pioneers actually any good?
It is, actually. It’s not as instantly grabbing as 2007’s stellar Myth Takes or 2004’s Louden Up Now but the songs are solid, funk-filled and straight out fun.
Wannagain Wannagain is delicious funky melange of sax breaks, super sexy bass riffs and hard-hitting drum beats that are sure to get any party on the block off to an orgasmic start.
The album’s stand out Jamie, My Intentions Are Bass does exactly what it says on the tin, combining slick bass work with 70s liquid guitar strums.
Steady as the Sidewalk Cracks is awash with African influences and makes you wonder why !!! resisted laying lion or monkey sound effects over the top.
The Hammer is an intense, techno free for all that showcases the band’s ability to create a gritty, urban floor-filler (it’s also crying out for remixes) and Even Judas Gave Jesus a Kiss lives up to its genius name by offering the album’s most radio-friendly effort.
For all the high points, it beggars belief how Jump Back made it onto the final cut. Nic Offer’s subdued vocals are borderline comical and it’s difficult to believe that Jump Back ISN’T a parody of the Scissor Sisters. Just replace Offer with Jake Shears and you’ll see what I mean.
AM/FM is a strange choice of album opener. It’s not instantly grabbing, with its Second Coming-era Stone Roses drum beats, but it’s cool, borderline ice-cold, and confident.
Strange Weather, Isn’t It? fails to better Myth Takes but it’s a welcome return for the much-missed band after a three-year break and some of the tracks on this album are sure to be popular floor-fillers in clubs up-and-down the country.
One thing’s certain, though: !!!’s intentions are bass. Get involved. Get knee deep in glorious BASS.

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