Monday 12 July 2010

Interpol leak new track 'Barricades'

IT’S official. Interpol have ditched the glorious thick claustrophobia of Turn on the Bright Lights and the dry, honest sentiment of Antics for good.
Barricade, the next song to be leaked from the up-coming self-titled album, is a clean, crisp affair but it’s shamefully similar to anything from Our Love to Admire.
Is it any good?
It’s polished to an inch of its life. Paul Banks’ vocals aren’t tested too much but the quintessential Interpol rolling guitar riffs are here.
The sadly departed (from the band) Carlos D provides a tangled melange of a bassline while drummer Sam Fogarino, the band’s secret weapon, keeps the song ticking along at a frantic pace.
It’s not a bad song, a grower for sure, but it’s nothing new.
I’m not holding out much hope that the new album is going to be anything more than a half-arsed, mediocre effort.
From a band that could have had the world at their feet in 2004, to this – it’s massive shame.

Interpol -- Barricade (from the up-coming self-titled LP)

1 comment:

  1. It has its moments... it sounds like a b-side from Antics tho.

    Lights, however, is genuinely good. They're close to the top of their game on that one.

