Friday 5 March 2010

Favourite songs of 2010 so far...

I may as well throw myself right into this site and compile a list of songs that have really taken my fancy so far in 2010. It's only March but there have already been some absolute corkers released - promising signs for the rest of the year.

Two of the big hitters for me have been the releases of the hugely-acclaimed acts Vampire Weekend and Spoon, with Contra and Transference respectively. I admit both albums are not as good as what they're capable of (OK that's a bit harsh on VW considering it was only their sophomore effort) but the pair contain a handful of stormers.

Spoon -- Written in Reverse

We'll may as well start with Spoon, whose first single Written in Reverse is a stripped down, rock-out of a record. The piano riff at the start is infectious and Britt Daniel's growling vocals are at an all-time peak.

Take a listen for yourself (the video's not bad, either):

Vampire Weekend -- Giving Up the Gun

Vampire Weekend's debut self-titled effort was one of the highlights of a drab 2008. They were huge. Absolutely huge. And to be fair, it was deserved. They were arguably one of the most refreshing, clean cut bands we've had the pleasure of listening to since...Aqua?(!)

Contra mixes a variety of genres, from prim and proper pop to arid African beats, and it works to an extent. The album hasn't grabbed me from start to finish and I do find it difficult not to skip certain tracks but there's one in particular that is pretty breathtaking. Giving Up The Gun is definitely the album's golden boy. It's a supersonic beauty that mixes space age effects with a pummeling bass line. Listening to it makes me feel as if I'm being sprinkled in space dust. (Puke).

The RZA is in the video too! COOL.

Phantogram -- When I'm Small

AMERICAN boy/girl duo Phantogram released their new album Eyelid Movies to relatively positive reviews from the music press. The dark and brooding When I'm Small is definitely my favourite track from the album. You can immediately draw comparisons to Dangermouse's stripped down style (think the production on Beck's Modern Guilt) but it's Sarah Barthel's chilling vocals that propels it into something heartfelt.

Surfer Blood -- Swim

Along with The Drums, Florida indie rockers Surfer Blood are one of 2010's buzz bands. Swim may be a 2009 song, but their debut album Astro Coast was released in January and this track is the standout for me. It's a catchy summer anthem that you can't help but be warmed by. Funny that considering they live in the USA's sunshine state. This is epic. They should be huge but will be eclipsed by The Drums.

White Rose Movement -- Helsinki

I've never been to Helsinki, or Finland for that matter, but White Rose Movement's latest effort makes me want to go there and meet Mika Hakkinen for a couple of drinks. I would ask him why he took an indefinite sabbatical. Anyway, this London post-punk band have produced an electro banger with Helsinki. It's huge and is so close to a floor-filler remix. Forget about the Big Pink with all their haircuts and jeans, it's this sort of music that deserves success. They've been around a while and maybe it's Helsinki that can finally unleash them to the masses.

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